Going into school for Physician Assistant has been a game of personal balance. When you come into school you hear all the stories about what life is going to be from older students. But you never really expect to have nights staying up until 2a.m. studying dozens of diseases that you didn’t even know existed. Coming from a bio program I obviously had that mind set of “yeah I probably know about half of what we’re going to learn.” But Nooooo. Physician Assistant school is tough. The toughest school you’re going to do. But I can’t see myself doing it anywhere but New Hampshire.
Coming to terms with a study schedule is one thing, but the most important thing that you can do to survive is find what you love when you’re not studying. You need to take time to have fun or you’re going to go completely nuts. Here at MCPHS we have an accelerated program. We’re packing in loads of information, but I promise you I have found time for me every day.
I get a nice run in every single day, and let me tell you, this is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever run. When you get here check out Massabesic lake, the Goffstown bike path, or a short route around Derryfield park! Within one mile you’re out of the city and into acres of woods with lakes and rivers on either side of you. A couple minutes of jogging and you’re completely refreshing your mind in the beautiful outdoors.
Say you’re less of a runner and more of a hiker. You’re only one hour from the biggest mountains on the east coast. Give yourself a Saturday to refresh after a Friday test and hike up Mount Washington. Or even a summer afternoon after a tough week of classes and drive the hour up to Rumney for worldvclass rock climbing. Or maybe you’re pooped out from the hundred hours you spent studying and just want a beach day. Well it’s only 45 minutes away. Plus you’ll get some great practice on your dermatology study looking at everyone on the beach (it never really ends).
Even if you’re not an outdoorsy person, our class makes sure we have a little bit of time at least once a week together out of class. Manchester, NH has cafes, bars, free comedy shows, karaoke nights, cheap food deals and literally everything you could ever want from a town within a 15 minute walk. Aaand if somehow there’s not enough fun for you here… Boston is 45 minutes away.
New Hampshire is, without a doubt, the heart of New England. While you’re here to study, New Hampshire will be here for you. So give yourself a break every now and then and check it out. Trust me, I’m a PA student.
-Kevin Terbush